Tuesday, September 14, 2010

apple iphone 4g with viewing problems

Apple iPhones 4G got some problems”, this is what Apple CEO Steve Jobs said in press conference Which was held to discuss the problems that exist in iPhone 4g.
The press conference to Apple ended in a few hours ago, Apple iphone tells that the phones are not perfect and that most of them by the same problem, he tested the BlackBerry, Samsung, HTC and proved they are suffering from the same problem. In short, Steve Jobs said this is the laws of physics and the nature of the phones.

Are you convinced? Not? O.K. what you think if had protective of Apple's phone for free? Are you not convinced yet? O.K. what you think if you have a month to return the phone and took the full price without any fees if you do not like it? What Apple iphone can do more than that to your liking?

And in the words of Steve Jobs that Apple always sought to please their customers and if you will not know this about Apple then you do not know Apple, and proof of that apple iPhone 4G sold in the first three weeks, three million sets, and it is one of the most our best-selling and devices that we have done at all, and the problem occurred when it emerged recently that there is an error and problems in the apple iPhone 4g where it loses its connection, if anyone holds it from the lower part.

Therefore, for a 22 days Apple has to know what the reality of this problem, so at the beginning and explained it's not a problem in the apple iPhone 4g only, but it’s a problem in all phones such as Nokia and Motorola and other phones... and if you search in Youtube you will find some users offered to this problem in the phone non-iPhone 4g, and after the tests we knew that the phones had problem. This is problem was a challenge for the entire industry as each phone has a weak area if you touch it will lose transmission.

And therefore we did not satisfy these results, we tests the phones in our labs, which invested $ 100 million and employs more than 18 engineer PhDs, these labs are equipped to test only the ability of the device to communicate and that is what we have always done and isolate any external influence to get the accurate results of the efficiency of the antenna in the device and communication, both Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or GPS Satellite.

So what is the solution? Users told us that with the protective device do not have any problem, even if we will make our users happy by giving each buy any iPhone 4g protector Apple gift, and if purchased before the price we will refund you. In case of not enough ounces Apple will choose between other brands. And we will send you free condoms will be opening applications for both buy any iPhone 4g for a protector free of charge at the end of this week.
By: J.Khan

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